For more questions on destination opportunities or to check on financial assistance please contact Kaycee- Girl Leadership Manager
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Girl Scouts love to travel—from the field trips they take as Brownies to the global adventures they go on as teens. If you love exploring different places and cultures, then Girl Scouts is the place for you.
Check out Girl Scout Destinations, the ultimate adventure program for girls ages 11 and older. With a ton of different trips to apply for every year—from surfing camp on the east coast and breathtaking hikes out west, to the crazy-cool wonder of new cultures abroad—there’s something amazing for everyone to experience.
Make friends from all over the country as you travel with Girl Scouts from different states, see and learn new things, and pack your bags full of inspiring, life-changing experiences and memories. Find your trip today!
Have you been accepted to a GSUSA Destination and are looking for financial assistance? Assistance is available through a D-Pass grant that can be applied to the Destinations cost. Please contact Kaycee Liendo- Girl Leadership Manager to inquire about availability.
For more questions on destination opportunities or to check on financial assistance please contact Kaycee- Girl Leadership Manager
Click the button to send an email.
There’s an entire world out there waiting to be explored by you.
Girl Scouts offers many different travel opportunities so girls can see new places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures and ideas. Whether exploring their own neighborhoods, going on overnight trips, participating in council-sponsored trips, flying to one of the four world centers, or going on a Girl Scout Destination, Girl Scouts are continually expanding their horizons.
Girl-led and girl-cherished! Grab your Girl Scout Sisters and plan your own adventure – from the sights you’ll see, to the food you’ll eat! Adult trip leaders will be there to help when you need them, but the journey is all yours!
Check out these upcoming council-sponsored trips: