Ready to help your community and earn one of the highest awards in Girl Scouting? Cadettes can team up with a small group of fellow Girl Scouts or work on their own. To earn the Silver Award, you will research an issue you care about, make a plan to address it, and then take action to improve your community.
On February 28, 2023, GSUSA launched the Silver Award Suite: which is a movement-wide approach to the Silver Award that includes new tools that will promote network alignment on how the Silver Award is defined, tracked and evaluated for volunteers, Girl Scouts and council staff. All councils must fully adopt the new Silver Award process by/before October 1, 2023.
The Silver Award Suite includes:
New Cadette Workbook and Adult Guide
New National Silver Award Proposal Form & Final Report Form
Volunteer Toolkit Meetings and gsLearn training(s) – now available!
February 1st – All Silver Award Proposal Forms* must be submitted by/before the council deadline of February 1st of your 8th grade year. This council deadline allows ample time to provide any additional information or needed changes for approval.
August 1st- All Silver Award Final Report Forms** must be submitted by/before the council deadline of August 1st after a Girl Scout’s 8th grade year (bridging to 9th grade Senior level Girl Scout). This council deadline allows ample time to provide any additional information or needed changes before the GSUSA deadline of September 30th.
*If working in a small team model (2-4), only one Silver Award Proposal submission is required per project.
** If working in a small team model (2-4), only one Silver Award Final Report submission is required per project.
You’re in sixth, seventh, or eighth grade
You’re a registered Girl Scout Cadette
You have completed a Cadette Journey
You’ve taken the required council offered Silver Award Training
Let our council know you want to earn it.
Step 1: Identify issues
Step 2: Build Your Team
Step 3: Explore Your Community
Step 4: Choose your Silver Award project
Step 5: Make a plan and submit your Project Proposal
Step 6: Put your plan in motion
Step 7: Spread the word and submit your Final Report
When you support Girl Scouts earning their Silver Award, you’ll help them see their own power and be by their side as they make a lasting change in their community. Download this guide to get started today.